Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Friends

We are busy making new friends everyday. As a mom, I think I have it easy. Our neighborhood is filled with moms that have been very friendly to me, there are moms' groups in our township, and numerous ways to get involved in the elementary school. I now have a group of moms that I go out with once a month for "book club." Oddly enough, there are no books involved, just lots of laughter and a few drinks that our husbands would be embarrassed to order! Most of the mom's refuse to head home until they are sure everyone at their house is safely tucked in bed. Makes for a very late night out!

Slowly, as I continue to build relationships with some of these ladies, I find that they have questions about God, and the conversations turn to spiritual things. I feel privileged to get to wrestle through these questions with them.  Being the "pastor's wife," in their minds I guess, qualifies me to be  the "go-to girl" for all things Bible related!

For the older kids, finding friends has not been as easy, but they have done a great job. They have the pleasure of learning the social maze of high school and middle school, and even, in Lydia's case dodging fist fights in art class! Tennis helped Lydia meet a great group of girls and running winter track has certainly broadened her horizons even more.

As we talk about their new friendships, we often come back to the idea of having "tell all" friends- those that we trust with our hearts- "fun" friends- those that we simply enjoy being around- and "ministry" friends- those that we really need to reach out to and help them feel like they belong. But most importantly, we remind them that because they are unconditionally accepted by Jesus, they can love others without the fear of being rejected. In other words, they ultimately don't need the approval of their peers because they already have the approval of Jesus. Hopefully, that knowledge will give them the ability to make wise decisions and be friends with lots of kids.

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