Friday, January 29, 2010

God Space

I am reading a book called God Space by Doug Pollock. It is an excellent book  about encouraging spiritual conversations with our friends in a natural way.

Here is a quote from the end of chapter one that I wanted to share:
God Space is where...
...God is felt and encountered in tangible ways that address the longings and crieds of the heart.
...we come to the end of our own finite resources and experience infinite resources of God.
...the natural gives way to the supernatural.
...seeds of faith are planted, watered, and nurtured.
...gentleness and respect are present, judgment is absent, and divine dialogue flows naturally because trust has been established.
...the invisible principles of God's kingdom are made visible in ways people can see, touch, and feel.
...friends of sinners- in other words, our friends- dwell.
...the topic of God can be explored freely without agendas, biases, and personal convictions getting in the way.
...cynics, skeptics, scoffers, and spiritually curious people alike can raise their quesions, share their doubts, voice their concerns, and even vent their anger toward God and the church.
...the "unworthy" feel safe enough to bring their real selves out into the light, and to journey, one step at a time, toward the magnetic pull they sense deep in their souls.
...spiritual curiosity is aroused, and the message of Christianity becomes plausible.

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