Friday, July 3, 2009

Jumping in by Faith

Ever attempt jump into a cold pool? Ever stare at a bite of the mystery casserole at a potluck? Ever put a pen to a blank piece of paper?

In all of these situations, people have apprehension of the unknown...what will happen? Will it be worth it? Will it be good?

That is how we felt as we drove away from our home in Tucson for the last time. About a dozen friends from our neighborhood dragged themselves out of bed early in the morning to see us off.

Still dressed in their pj's, they joined us in our now empty house and treated us to juice and donuts, sang and prayed with us, and shed tears as we embarked upon our new adventure. Noah, our seven-year old, said while driving out of the neighborhood: "Mama, is this a drill or is this for real?"

The travels across the country were filled with more blessing than we can name. Friends and family sent us on with numerous encouraging words and prayers. Each stop had its own surprises. Some even said they envied our courage and said they wished they were going, too! Now that's not something I thought I would hear!

One dear young lady, a twelve-year old, even sent us a ten dollar bill; she said, “This is to help with your work.”

This might just be our favorite gift of all the support we have raised.

Sharing the plan for the new church in Gloucester County as we traveled, hearing the excitement the vision generated among our friends, and talking about our new chapter of ministry with the children all served to pump us up even more.

Could we have planned such faith-building trek? We believe God has great things in store for our family and this new ministry.

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